Wayve Stock

wayve.ai/Transportation / Autonomous VehiclesFounded: 2017

Wayve is a company that is aiming to develop advanced AI technology for self-driving vehicles. The company licenses its technology to retailers and automakers rather than manufacturing vehicles. Wave was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in London, England. As a hardware-agnostic autonomous driving system, Wayve offers its solutions to manufacturers with the option of upgrading vehicles to more advanced levels of driving automation as the company continues to optimize its AI models.

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Management Team

Alex Kendall
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Erez Dagan
Dan McCloskey
Vice President, Hardware
Emma Baillie
Vice President, People
Jamie Shotton
Chief Scientist
Kaity Fischer
Vice President, Commercial and Fleet Operations
Silvius Rus
Vice President, Software

Board Members

Michael Dempsey
Seth Winterroth
Eclipse Ventures

Wayve stock FAQs


Can you buy Wayve stock?

As Wayve is not publicly traded, purchasing its stock is not available to everyone. To buy the stock of a private company like Wayve, you must be an accredited investor. If you meet the accreditation criteria, you can register for Forge’s Secondary Marketplace to buy private market stock. If you are not an accredited investor, discover how to begin the process to potentially qualify for new investment opportunities.

How to buy Wayve stock?

To invest in a private company like Wayve through Forge, you must first qualify as an accredited investor. (Learn more about the accreditation process.)
  1. Create a free account to access Forge’s marketplace.
  2. Express your interest in specific investments. Within Forge Markets, you will find detailed pricing and financing information for thousands of private companies.
  3. Throughout this process, a dedicated Forge Private Market Specialist will be available to address any questions you may have and to guide you seamlessly through each step of the transaction.

Can you sell Wayve stock?

Yes, you may be able to sell your Wayve stock, subject to certain conditions. Forge can help you facilitate the sale of your stock in a manner that aligns with your needs and the company's interests. If you are looking for liquidity, register with us today to begin the process. A dedicated Forge Private Market Specialist will be available to address any questions you may have along the way.

How to sell Wayve stock?

If you hold private company shares of - whether as an employee or an early investor - Forge can help you sell them.
  1. Create a free Forge account, this will give you access to Forge’s marketplace and to one of our experienced Private Market Specialist to answer any questions you might have.
  2. Indicate your interest to sell your Wayve stock on our platform.
  3. Work with your dedicated Private Market Specialist who'll help guide you through every step of the transaction.

Is Wayve a public company?

No, Wayve is a privately held company and is currently not publicly traded on any stock markets including NYSE or NASDAQ.

What is Wayve’s stock price?

Wayve is a privately held company and therefore does not have a public stock price. However, you may access Wayve’s private market stock price with Forge Data.

What is Wayve’s stock ticker symbol?

Wayve does not have an official ticker symbol because this company is not currently publicly traded.

Can institutional investors buy and sell private market stocks?

Yes. As one of the largest trading platform for the private market, Forge helps institutional investors seek liquidity as they buy and sell private stock for their portfolios or their clients. Our private market specialists have decades of experience working with institutional firms. Learn more or register today to get started.
Led by SoftBank Group, Wayve raised over $1 billion in new funding.
In a series C funding round, Wayve raised $1.5 billion from investors to continue its AI product development for the auto industry.
Tested on public roads, Wayve unveils LINGO-2.
Updated on: Jul 26, 2024


Public news articles listed on this page have been curated by Forge based on several factors including, but not limited to, product updates, changes in organization structure, funding rounds, third-party valuations, and key personnel changes. Changes to this list of articles can be made at any time without notice and should not be relied upon for investment purposes. Forge does not verify the accuracy of the information contained in public news articles.