Wayve is a company that is aiming to develop advanced AI technology for self-driving vehicles. The company licenses its technology to retailers and automakers rather than manufacturing vehicles. Wave was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in London, England. As a hardware-agnostic autonomous driving system, Wayve offers its solutions to manufacturers with the option of upgrading vehicles to more advanced levels of driving automation as the company continues to optimize its AI models.

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Is Wayve a publicly traded company?

Wayve is a private company and not publicly traded.

If you are interested in buying or selling private company shares, you can register with Forge today for free to explore your options. Registering gives you access to one of our Private Market Specialists who can guide you through the process of buying or selling. Learn more about how Forge might help you buy pre-IPO shares or sell pre-IPO shares.

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Will Wayve go IPO?

Wayve has not yet filed for an IPO. However, it's important to note that IPOs are not the sole avenue for a private company to transition to public trading. Private companies can also go public through alternative methods such as but limited to Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs), direct listings, or through mergers and acquisitions. Find out which companies are eyeing an IPO on our Tech IPO Calendar 2024.

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What is Wayve's IPO price?

The IPO price for Wayve will be known only if it becomes public. However, you may access the "Price At Last Round" and the "Implied EV" for publicly traded comparable companies with Forge Data.
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Can you invest in Wayve pre-IPO?

Wayve is privately held company and is not publicly traded, therefor investing in Wayve pre-IPO is only available to accredited investors. If you meet the accreditation criteria, you can register for Forge’s Secondary Marketplace to invest in private companies before their potential IPO. If you are not an accredited investor, discover how to begin the the process to potentially qualify for new investment opportunities.

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What is the value of my Wayve shares?

To determine the value of your Wayve shares, create a free account to gain access to Forge’s platform. Forge Markets contains pricing information for hundreds of pre-IPO companies. A Private Market Specialist will also be available to assist you with any inquiries related to your Wayve shares. You can also learn more about how to sell your private shares before getting started.

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Can you sell Wayve before it goes public?

Yes, you can seek to sell shares in Wayve while it remains private. If you are considering selling, you can register today for free to get started. Once registered, a Private Market Specialist will guide you through any questions you might have. You may also continue to browse through our resources to help you understand the implications and procedures involved in selling your private market shares.

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When was Wayve founded?

Wayve was founded in 2017.

Who are Wayve's major investors?

Baillie Gifford
Balderton Capital
Moore Strategic Ventures
D1 Capital Partners
Eclipse Ventures
XTX Ventures
Linse Capital
SoftBank Group
Innovate UK
Ocado Group
EXOR Seeds
Firstminute Capital
Necessary Ventures
Stemar Capital
Transpose Platform Management
KI Capital
Fly Ventures
Updated on: Jul 26, 2024


Public news articles listed on this page have been curated by Forge based on several factors including, but not limited to, product updates, changes in organization structure, funding rounds, third-party valuations, and key personnel changes. Changes to this list of articles can be made at any time without notice and should not be relied upon for investment purposes. Forge does not verify the accuracy of the information contained in public news articles.