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Disclaimers & Disclosures

Version 2003August 1, 2021

Securities Disclaimer

The following disclaimers and disclosures are made by Forge Global, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “Forge”) concerning the information displayed on or made available via Forge’s Platform. Use of the Platform and these disclaimers and disclosures are subject to the Platform’s Terms of Use; any capitalized term used but not defined in these disclaimers and disclosures will have the meaning provided in the Platform Terms of Use.

Forge does not (i) advise parties on the merits of a particular transaction, (ii) assist in negotiation, transaction, or financial dealings between users or with the issuer of company shares, (iii) assist in the fair market value of any security or investment, or (iv) provide legal, tax or advisory services to its users. An offer or solicitation can be made only through the delivery of the final offering and purchase document(s) and will be subject to the terms and conditions and risks delivered in such documents. Valuations are approximate based on analysis of data that has been publicly disclosed. The public information incorporated into Forge’s analysis may be incomplete and has not been independently corroborated by Forge. There may exist material non-public information that impacts valuation. Valuations are intended to be illustrative rather than definitive and are subject to change. Investors should conduct their own research and analysis on companies of interest and should not rely on Forge’s analysis. Valuation and capitalization table data has not been confirmed or approved by the issuer or any specialist valuation experts. Any graphs may deviate from linear scale for presentation purposes. Outstanding share count is based on available public data and assumes a fully distributed option pool. Any information relating to fully diluted shares outstanding, or other company-related financing or capitalization information, are estimates only and should be independently verified by each user in connection with any investment opportunity.

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Total closed transaction volume includes representation of buyers and sellers in securities transactions conducted through Forge Securities LLC (Member FINRA/SIPC) and Emerson Equity LLC (Member FINRA/SIPC and a broker dealer for SharesPost Inc.) in 2011, Forge Markets LLC, as well as the placement of fund interest in third party and affiliated Funds.

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Transactions initiated on Forge generally require the buyer and seller to enter into additional agreements, including commission agreement with Forge Securities LLC and an escrow agreement with a third-party provider for escrow of the buyer’s funds and evidence of the seller’s ownership of securities. Most issuers of securities require the buyer and seller to enter into a stock transfer agreement with it before the issuer agrees to process a change in ownership of its securities on its books and records. Contact a transaction specialist for additional information.

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Forge is not registered as an investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), any state regulator or any other regulatory body. Nothing contained on the SharesPost platform may be construed as investment advice and use of the Forge marketplace constitutes explicit agreement that any use of the Forge marketplace is qualified by your understanding and acceptance of the foregoing disclaimer. Information about companies presented on Forge is provided by third-party sources, including user submitted comments and documents. Forge makes no effort to verify the accuracy of any information and does not warrant the truthfulness or completeness of any company information viewable on the site. Forge expresses no opinion as to the suitability of any transaction for any person contemplating a Forge facilitated transaction. Any person contemplating a Forge facilitated transaction should make his, her or its own independent investigation of the suitability of any proposed transaction based on the facts and circumstances of such person’s financial situation, and Forge strongly recommends consultation with legal or financial advisors prior to initiating a transaction on Forge. Forge neither holds nor gives any opinion about the value of any company or that company’s securities.

General Disclaimer/Disclosures

Use of this site is governed by the Forge Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, as well as various notices, rules, policies, and procedures that may be published on this site from time to time. Use of this site is governed by the Terms of Service. Your use of the site serves as your acknowledgement and acceptance of these terms, conditions, and disclaimers.

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Content on this site is provided for informational purposes only, and no guarantee is made as to the completeness, reliability or accuracy of the information. The site and service are open only to qualified, approved participants. The site is intended for sophisticated private equity shareholders, for owners of other private equity securities and interests, and for persons who are “accredited investors,” all of whom must pass Forge’s vetting process and meet any other qualifications required by U.S. securities laws and regulations, and any other applicable laws and regulations.

Pricing data on this site does not necessarily reflect actual current market prices or the value you would receive upon sale of such assets. The information displayed does not represent a commitment by Forge to transact at those prices, or at any price, in the future. Your assets, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost to you. Certain assets may be illiquid and unavailable for sale at any price.

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Securities are offered by Forge Securities LLC, an SEC registered broker-dealer and member FINRA/SIPC. Forge Global Advisors LLC, an investment adviser registered with the SEC, serves as the investment adviser to the Funds. Custodial services are offered through Forge Trust Co., a South Dakota chartered trust company. Forge Securities LLC, Forge Global Advisors LLC, and Forge Trust Co. are wholly owned subsidiaries of Forge Global, Inc. Forge Global, Inc. and Forge Trust Co. are not registered with the SEC, FINRA, or any state securities authority and do not engage in the offer, sale or trading of alternative investments or securities. EQUIAM LLC is an investment management firm affiliated with Forge Global, Inc.

Public Disclosure Program

Forge Securities LLC is required to provide to you information regarding the Public Disclosure Program for investors.

Created by FINRA in 1988, the Public Disclosure Program allows you, the investor, to learn about the professional background, business practices, and conduct of FINRA member firms and their brokers. To request disclosable information under this program, visit the FINRA Regulation Web site at or call (800) 289-9999, a toll-free hotline operated by FINRA.

In addition, please note that there is a Public Disclosure Program Brochure available to you as well. This brochure helps you answer questions pertaining to the Public Disclosure Program, and is available on FINRA’s Web site.

Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC)

Forge Securities LLC is required to provide to you information regarding the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).

Created by Congress in 1970, the SIPC is an important part of the overall system of investor protection in the United States. The SIPC’s focus is very narrow: restoring funds to investors with assets in the hands of bankrupt and otherwise financially sound troubled brokerage firms.

You can obtain information about SIPC, including obtaining the SIPC brochure, by contacting SIPC by phone, email or regular mail as follows:

Securities Investor Protection Corporation
805 15th Street, N.W. Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20005-2215
Telephone: (202) 371-8300
Fax: (202) 371-6728
Email: [email protected]

In addition, you may also visit the SIPC Web site at to obtain information.