Lindsay Riddell

Lindsay Riddell

EVP, Corporate Marketing and Communications

Lindsay Riddell is an experienced content strategist with over two decades in the tech and finance sectors. Currently serving as the EVP, Head of Corporate Marketing and Communications at Forge, she develops narratives that support brand engagement and business growth. Her expertise includes journalism, strategic communications, and content marketing, with a focus on simplifying complex topics into clear, accessible content. Her background as a reporter at the San Francisco Business Times provided her with the skills to craft stories that appeal to a wide range of audiences. Lindsay applies her industry knowledge to create content strategies that meet both brand objectives and audience needs.

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Women's Studies, and Spanish at The University of Georgia

Previous experience: Hotwire, Eastwick, LRC Consulting, San Francisco Business Times

Focus: PR, Internal Communications, External Communications, Thought Leadership

Views this author expresses on their own social media or other websites, away from Forge’s website, may not reflect the views of Forge and are not endorsed by Forge.