Halo Collar Stock

halocollar.comConsumer & Lifestyle / Consumer ElectronicsFounded: 2017

Halo Collar develops smart dog collars and virtual fences to help track activity and keep dogs safe.

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Can you buy Halo Collar’s stock?
Halo Collar is not publicly traded on NYSE or NASDAQ in the U.S. To buy Halo Collar’s stock you need to be an accredited investor. Learn more about how to invest in the private market or register today to get started.
Can you sell Halo Collar’s stock?
Yes, you can sell stock of a private company like Halo Collar. Forge can help you sell your Halo Collar stock in a way that works for you and the company. So if you are seeking liquidity, register with us today to get started.
What is Halo Collar’s stock price?
Halo Collar is a privately held company and therefore does not have a public stock price. However, you may access Halo Collar’s private market stock price with Forge Data.
What is Halo Collar’s stock ticker symbol?
Halo Collar does not have an official ticker symbol because this company is not currently publicly traded.
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News Highlights

Halo Announces Its Third-Gen GPS Dog Collar With AI Smarts, and My Dog Loves It
Halo has announced its third-generation GPS dog collar, the Halo 3, priced at $699. Using GPS, Wi-Fi, and cellular connectivity, the collar allows owners to set boundaries for their pets, replacing traditional wired invisible fences. The collar also incorporates AI to detect false GPS signals, and requires a subscription to the Halo service starting at $6 per month.
Halo Collar Receives Multimillion Dollar Funding Package
Halo Collar, a maker of GPS wireless dog fences, has received multimillion-dollar growth funding from Decathlon Capital Partners. The New Jersey-based firm, co-founded by Cesar Milan and Ken Ehrman, plans to use the funds to support growth, further product development, and expand distribution. The company reported significant revenue growth from $3 million in 2020 to $50 million in 2022, with 150,000 collars sold.
Updated on: Jun 2, 2024


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